Rhino Shield Georgia

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Following these practical tips can help individuals better manage their allergies and minimize discomfort during hay fever season.

-Allergy experts advise against opening windows during peak pollen times, such as early to mid-morning and in the evening. This helps reduce the influx of pollen into your living spaces, as pollen counts are typically higher during these periods.

-Consider wearing a face mask while performing outdoor chores to reduce inhalation of allergens.

-Rinse off immediately upon returning home to help remove pollen from hair and skin, preventing its transfer to bedding and furniture.

-To ensure a restful sleep, regularly changing pillowcases and washing them promptly, especially if you haven’t showered before bed, can help reduce pollen buildup on bedding.

-Avoid hanging laundry outside during peak pollen hours, as pollen levels tend to be higher during these times. Using a tumble dryer instead can prevent pollen from adhering to clothes and linens.

-If you have pets, it’s important to manage their exposure to pollen as well. Grooming pets after outdoor activities to remove pollen from their fur, washing their paws, and planning walks during times of lower pollen count can help reduce indoor pollen levels.

-Don’t forget to regularly check your HEPA filters to ensure pollen isn’t infiltrating your home through your HVAC system.

-It’s also recommended to minimize overall pollen exposure through regular cleaning and maintenance of indoor and outdoor living spaces, like vacuuming and pressure washing. There are several painting contractors that we recommend to pressure wash your home, decks, and fences.

Safe-guard the exterior of your home to prevent buildup and prevent pollen pockets from developing with choosing Rhino Shield. Call today to receive your free quote.

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